Sunday, August 18, 2013

Angels Among Us

Angels Among Us
        First let me say that I have a certain fondness for nostalgia and sentiment. This past week I read an article about nineteen-year-old Katie Lentz who had been in a car accident on her way to Jefferson City, Missouri. The car, completely destroyed, was upturned making it impossible to extricate Katie. The decision was made to upright the car. This had the potential of changing the pressure on Katie’s body, which could end her life. Katie asked for someone to pray with her before the righting the car.  
        Here is where the story gets exciting: seemingly from nowhere, a priest walks to the car and offers to pray with Katie. Katie was extricated, and the priest disappeared. No one at the scene recognized the priest, and of the 70+ photos taken at the scene, the priest was not present in a single one. Those at the scene believe the priest was an angel who had materialized and then vanished.
        I had hoped so too. After reading the article, I excitedly showed it to my wife: “Jennie, you have to read this.” I then shared it with Mr. Glen Gill, my colleague and living encyclopedia of seemingly everything: “Glen, you have to hear this!” My body tingled with excitement, imagining that Michael Landon’s Touched by an Angel could possibly be true. I told them both how I hoped they never found out the identity of the priest. I mean, I want to believe in angels.
        What is an Angel? The etymology of the word suggests that it comes from ancient Greek meaning messenger.  Primarily, Christians are aware of three: Gabriel, Michael, and Lucifer; however, there are many more. With a little research it is evident that there are nine main angels ( is the easiest and fastest place.). Each angel has a specific purpose. My favorite is Michael, always has been, the defender/fighter of God. Maybe it’s a spark of my adolescent admirations of the Lone Ranger, the Duke Boys, John Wayne, or Superman, but to me an Angel that is a designated fighter is just cool.
        Much to my dismay, the priest turned out to be a real priest. Reverend Patrick Dowling is a Catholic Priest who arrived at the scene and walked up to the accident to pray and help. In my opinion, this is even better. We expect an Angel to be merciful and, well, angelic. But, a human who is angelic, what can be better? I cannot express how thrilling and inspirational it is to me to read about leaders like Rev. Dowling and Pope Francis and the non-judgmental messages of love, humility, and good works. These, we can all achieve.

What are your thoughts on angels--do you believe in them?

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